So...I took all three girls to the mall this last Saturday, I know C-R-A-Z-Y! But, I had gymbucks to spend and time was running out. Kamryn was having an "ok" day, but once we got to the mall, the mass of people and noise sent her down hill fast. We headed to Gymbo, after a 1/2 hour parking space hunt, the place was packed so I parked the stroller at the front of the store and asked my oldest to stay there with the girls while I weaved my way through the crowds.
So, I hunted for the best deals I could find and some ultra cute clothes, the girls were being as good as possible under the circumstances. As I was wrapping up my shopping and headed over to the check out, a loud boom and crash echoed through out the store, followed by a eerie silence, I knew without even looking that it was Kami. She had pulled down a very large sign that is in the front window display, she was scarred and embarrassed, but fine. I apologized repeatedly to the store employees, and almost, almost said, "I am sorry, she's autistic." But, I couldn't! First I didn't want the words to pass my lips to a stranger, then I didn't want to make a excuse for her bad behavior, but I think it boils down to the fact that I don't want to label her, she is not just some autistic child, she is my beautiful, fun loving daughter.
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